Membership of the Casino Maltese allows access to a superb building in Valletta with all its facilities. It offers a refuge from the bustle of Valletta, with its popular Courtyard bar, restaurant, reading room, and a selection of other luxurious rooms in which to relax, meet friends or colleagues, or organise events.
Prospective members require the recommendation of a proposer and a seconder from among the current members. Ballots are held regularly throughout the year. (Club rules)
For further information, contact the Club Office.
The Club has reciprocal membership with some of the finest clubs in the world. Members of the Casino Maltese are able to use the facilities of these clubs, normally through an introduction from our Club Secretary.
Reciprocating Clubs
Public Schools Club 207, East Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 www.publicschoolsclub.com.au
Union, University & Schools Club of Sydney 25 Bent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 www.uusc.com.au
Wiener Rennverein Josefplatz 5 (Palais Pallavicini) A - 1010 Vienna www.rennverein.at
The National Club 303, Bay Street, Toronto Ontario MSH 2RI www.thenationalclub.com
The London Club, 177 Queens Ave. London, ON N6A 1J https://www.londonclub.com/.com
Channel Islands:
United Club Pier Steps, St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2LF unitedclubguernsey.com/
Club De Vina Del Mar Plaza Sucre 208-272, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso www.clubvina.cl
Beijing American Club 4F/28F/29F, China Resources Building no.8, Jianguomen North Avenue, Beijing 100005
Cercle de l'Union 27 Place Bellecour, 69002 Lyon www.cercledelunion.fr
Cercle de l'Union Interalliée 33 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris https://union-interalliee.fr/en
Der Club zu Bremen von 1783, Am Markt 13, 28195 Bremen www.dczb.de
Athens Club 11 Eleftherios Venizelos avenue, 105 64 Athens www.https://www.athensclub.gr/en_pages/home2.htm
The HBN Country Club Mansa Road, Punjab, Bathinda
Kildare Street & University Club 17, St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, www.ksuc.ie
Royal Dublin Society Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, www.rds.ie
The Stephen's Green Hibernian Club 9, St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 www.stephensgreenclub.ie
Circolo Artistico Tunnel, Via Garibaldi, 6, 16124 Genoa www.circoloartisticotunnel.it
Societa del Giardino, Via San Paolo, 10, 20121 Milan, www.societadelgiardino.com
Circolo Dell’Unione di Firenze, Via Tornabuoni, 7, 50123 - Florence https://circolounionefirenze.it/
Cercle Munster, 5-7, rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, www.https://munster.lu/en
New Zealand:
The Wellington Club, 88, The Terrace, P.O. Box 10129, Wellington 6143 www.wellingtonclub.co.nz
Norske Selskab, Akersgaten 18, 0158 Oslo www.norskeselskab.no
South Africa:
Durban Club, 93 – 96 Victoria Embankment, Durban, 4001KwaZulu-Natal www.durbanclub.co.za
Casino de Madrid, Calle Alcala 15, 28014 Madrid www.casinodemadrid.es
Real Casino de Tenerife, Plaza de la Candelaria, 12, 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, www.rctfe.com
Sällskapet, Arsenalsgatan, SE - 111 47 Stockholm, www.sallskapet.se
The Netherlands:
Haagsche Club-Plaats Royal, Lange Voorhout 40, 2514 EE'S-Gravenhage, www.haagscheclub.nl
Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club, Dam 27, 1012 JS Amsterdam https://www.igc.nl/en/home
United Kingdom:
Carlton Club, 69, St.James's Street, London SW1A 1PJ, www.carltonclub.co.uk
City University Club, 42, Crutched Friars, London EC3N 2AP www.cityuniversityclub.co.uk
The Eccentric Club, 27, Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX, www.eccentricclub.co.uk
The In & Out Naval and Military Club, 4, St James's Square, London SW1Y 4JU, www.navalandmilitaryclub.co.uk
National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, London, SW1A 2HE, www.nlc.org.uk
The New Club, 86, Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BB, www.newclub.co.uk
Oriental Club, Stratford House, Stratford Place, London W1C 1ES www.orientalclub.org.uk
The Rag – Army & Navy Club, 36 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5JN www.therag.co.uk
Reform Club, 104 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EW, www.reformclub.com
The Travellers Club, 106, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EP, www.thetravellersclub.org.uk
University Women's Club, 2 Audley Square, London W1K 1DB , www.universitywomensclub.com
The Austin Club 110 East Ninth Street, Austin, Texas 78701, www.austinclub.com
Cosmos Club 2121 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008-2871 www.cosmosclub.org
Racquet Club of Philadelphia 16th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 , rcop.com
The University Club of Washington, D.C., 1135, Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036-4885, , www.universityclubdc.com